Friday of Sorrows is approaching and with it the beginning of Holy Week. Once again, sacred music will be present, as it could not be otherwise, in the Cathedral of the Incarnation of Malaga next Friday, March 31 at 8:00 p.m.
On this occasion, it will be the music of one of the most important composers that the province has produced that will exalt with his harmonies this very important day for Catholic believers. The sounds of Eduardo Ocón Rivas 's Miserere will be in charge of such a great event, to which we must add those of the brilliant Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart , a program companion who will further enhance the night of this very special day. From this second, we will be able to hear two of the most beautiful motets written by the Salzburg musician: his Ave Verum Corpus, KV 618 and the Laudate Dominum , belonging to the Solemn Vespers for a Confessor, KV 339. Without a doubt, two masterful pieces full of simplicity, mastery, beauty and sweetness that will not leave anyone present in the Malaga basilica indifferent.
The performers and protagonists of the night will be the Malaga Provincial Youth Orchestra accompanied by two of the most representative choirs of the province: the Choir Santa María de la Victoria de Málaga and the Minaret Coral from Nerja, both groups directed by José Eugenio Vicente Téllez , director with a great background in the choral world and a performer with extensive training and experience. In addition, they will have the collaboration of three vocal soloists: the soprano María del Carmen Vicente Téllez , the tenor Iván Villa Domínguez and bass Cristóbal Prieto Ortiz . The concert will be directed by the Malaga conductor Juan Paulo Gómez , who is the musical and artistic director of the orchestra.
The Young Provincial Orchestra of Malaga (JOPMA)
The orchestra is made up of musicians from all over the province of Malaga, most of whom are carrying out their musical studies in different conservatories and music schools. Currently, it has a collaboration agreement with the Málaga Higher Conservatory of Music to implement the training of your students in our orchestra. This training focuses mainly on two ways: through the practices carried out by the students of the Orchestra Conducting specialty with our instrumental group in the different rehearsals and concerts of the season, as well as through the hours of training that the students of The different instrumental specialties of the symphonic itineraries carry out, in the continuous meetings that are organized for the preparation and implementation of the programs, hours of training that we officially certify for the validation of ECTS credits throughout their Degree studies.
Admission to the concert will be free until capacity is reached.