Berlioz floods Pasiegas this afternoon with the Conservatory Orchestra

Under the direction of maestro Juan Paulo Gómez, he offers a free concert that opens the 'Carmelo Martínez' Music Festival

This afternoon, at 9 p.m., in the Plaza de las Pasiegas, the interpretation of the Fantastic Symphony Op. 14 by Berlioz will take place. The performance is performed by the Symphony Orchestra of the Royal Conservatory of Music 'Victoria Eugenia' of Granada, under the direction of Juan Paulo Gómez. This free concert inaugurates the III 'Carmelo Martínez' Music Festival organized by the Conservatory from May 7 to 22.

The director Juan Paulo Gómez has highlighted to IDEAL that this work by Berlioz "represents the effort on the part of the composer to want to capture in the score a fantastic world around a Platonic concept of love that overwhelmed him during the years of his gestation." Regarding this afternoon's concert, the director expresses that "an institution like ours has the responsibility and commitment to Granada society to offer a varied, free and quality musical proposal like the one we propose during the two weeks that the festival lasts." , and adds that "it is necessary for talented young artists to have the possibility of showing their art in front of an audience, acquiring the necessary experience that a professional activity like this requires."

Recognized Director
Recognized conductor Principal conductor and founder of Partiture Philharmonic Orchestra, Juan Paulo began his career as an orchestra conductor at the age of 17, obtaining awards in important competitions and competitions. Regarding his career, Juan Paulo highlights that "There is a saying in the world of orchestra conductors that says: 'the orchestra conductor trains until he is 40 years old, develops artistically between 40 and 60, living off his achievements from from the 60's. At this moment, after 21 years of experience as a director but at 38 years of age, I still consider that I am in the first stage.

During his training years he studied with various teachers throughout Europe. Regarding this international training, Juan Paulo Gómez expresses that "these contacts were always very interesting because they made me meet many colleagues who were of enormous value for my training."

He is a charitable artist, involved in many social projects to help charitable organizations. We can highlight his participation in the concerts organized at the National Music Auditorium in Madrid by Rotary International since 2012 in order to raise funds for the PolioPlus project. Likewise, he has collaborated with soloists of the stature of Ara Malikian, Juan Carlos Garvayo and the Trío Arbós.

Music and harmony
Juan Paulo Gómez, excited about this afternoon's concert, points out that "I believe in music as a path to harmony between peoples. In fact, this initiative is being used more and more every day in integration and coexistence projects because it is a language that allows anyone who interprets or listens to it to give it an intimate and personal meaning without it conflicting with that of the other. In this sense, coming together to share it, I believe, finally brings out the good part of each of us and makes us enter into harmony, into a very special harmony that, at least during the time the experience lasts, makes us more tolerant of our fellow men.

Interview conducted by G. Suevos for IDEAL Granada, 5/7/2015.
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